Pro Account policy
Hey! We appreciate you reading Famvent's Pro Account policy. By converting to a Pro Account on Famvent you gain access to the following features:
Viewing professional analytics about your profile.
Creating a professional profile page to help yourself stand out among other users and hosts.
Tools to help boost your events or vents when wished.
Pro accounts are 100% free!
How to deem eligible for Famvent's Pro Account
To be eligible for a Pro Account on Famvent you shall not have a history of violating Famvent's Term and Service.
You shall have a complete profile page on Famvent. This includes a profile picture, a bio, a username, and an account name.
Your identity should be shown on your profile page with clear visibility.
You are not advertising or mimicking someone, a business, or any other organization on your profile page.
Accounts that disobey these guidelines will not be able to convert their account into a Pro Account.