Community Guidelines
Famvent Community Guidelines
The overall safety and well being of our users and students are our priority, TOP priority. To carry out this mission, our team is to remove content that does not abide by our set guidelines. Hence as a user, if you are browsing and you feel as if something does not sit or feel right with you please hit the 3 dots next to the post and select "Report vent."
Mobile devices: 3 Dots and select a corresponding reason.
Desktop: 3 Dots and fill out a brief form.
No Bullying or Posting Suggestive Information
There is absolutely no bullying permitted on our platform. Our users are here for a good and long time.
Do not release or attempt to release suggestive information that may harm others including yourself.
Do not talk negative about someone on campus, including staff.
No Spamming or Hate Speech.
There is no form of hate speech allowed on our platform.
Hate speech includes users engaging in prejudice based on, race, body, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, age, class, religion, gender, language, economic or social origin, disability, or health status.
Do not post vents/ events/ content that do not contain any type of content.
If you want to promote something please use your campus's advisory section on Famvent and wait for approval. Do not post it on the feed.
Do not repeatedly post content that may seem similar to something else.
Be original.
No Misinformation
Do not spread misinformation about your campus or anyone on your campus.
The only trustworthy information Famvent allows is "Campus news."
Any content that can be deemed false by you as a user should report it as soon as possible so that further action can be taken.
No Persuasion
Users are not to persuade anyone else to do something they do not feel comfortable doing.
If someone feels if they are being persuaded they are to report that user and further action will be taken.
Miscellaneous Guidelines
Do not promote or solicit illegal activities.
Do not sell beverages and or drinks of ANY kind.
Do not promote harmful activities.
Do not show a desire to commit violent crimes/ activities.
Do not post/ show obscene text and images.